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How to delete VirtuCache vclient plugin in VMware’s Flash GUI?

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Goto https://vcenter IP address/mob

enter vcenter credentials
then click on ‘content’ hyperlink in the line that says
Content | ServiceContent | content

Then click on ‘ExtensionManager’ in the line that says
extensionManager | ManagedObjectReference:ExtensionManager | ExtensionManager

Then in the ‘Properties’ box , you will see ‘extensionList’, and in that list you will see two VirtuCache plugins.
extensionList[“com.virtunetsystems.vnx2.vsphere_6dot7_plugin”]    Extension
extensionList[“com.virtunetsystems.vnx2.vsphere_windows_client_plugin”]    Extension
extensionList[“com.virtunetsystems.vnx2ui”]    Extension

In the same screen, in the ‘Methods’ box
click on ‘UnregisterExtension’

Then enter the plugin names like shown below. Enter only one plugin name at a time in the ‘UnregisterExtension’ box, and click ‘Invoke Method’ hyperlink. It will return message ‘Method Invocation Result: void’, which means that the plugin has been removed.




Refresh the ‘ExtensionManager’ web page that was showing those plugin extensions before and now you shouldn’t see those plugins any more.

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