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VirtuCache Manager OVA import is stuck at ‘Validating’ message

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If while importing the VirtuCache manager to vCenter 6.5 you see the status showing as ‘Validating’ for a long time (see screenshot below), then this is a VMware issue as mentioned in this KB article.

OVA Import Stuck at Validating Message

There are other instances of this problem showing up in the VMware community that are not covered by the above VMware KB article.

You might also see a message “OVF descriptor is not available” when the OVA import fails in vCenter 6.5.  This issue has been reported many times in the VMware community with similar resolutions.

Please note that these issues are not specific to the VirtuCache OVA, it will affect all OVAs you try and import in vCenter 6.5. Secondly, during the import phase of the OVA, there is no Virtunet code being executed. Virtunet code starts executing only when you complete the OVA import process and turn on the VM. Lastly, this OVA is provided to us by VMware, in which we have installed our Management (GUI) software.





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